The Stinky, Dinky Brinky
Our first trip was not the carefree trip I had imagined, but we learned a lot and were able to make light of all the malfunctions and mishaps. The very talented Mel and I came up with this little "ditty," which can loosely be sung/read to the tune of "Achy Breaky Heart" by Billy Ray Cyrus (and maybe a beer or a shot will help, too.)
Don’t get in the Brinky, the stinky, dinky Brinky unless you have a screw driver with you... And even if you stick it, in the right position, chances are it’s still not even gonna start... 'cause somewhere on this trip, the kill switch jumped ship, and now we're in a sticky situation.
The Brinky's first of many tows.
Captain was cruising in his Brinky, the stinky, dinky Brinky 'cause he needed to get back to the boat. He had cranked the motor to the wall, for he had an urgent "call" and so off in the Brinky he flew over the water. She sure fooled him as she started right up and he took off but, then much to his dismay, the motor, it gave way… Oh, don't get in the Brinky, the stinky, dinky Brinky 'cause you just might not make it back to shore... so he was stranded in the Brinky, the stinky, dinky Brinky drifting further and further out in the wide, blue ocean.
Captain and the monohull that saved him from drifting out to sea.
The crew finally caught a glimpse of his predicament and hand signals are now the way to communicate what to say… “Nooo!!!” As he's waiting on the Brinky, the stinky, dinky Brinky there are no flippin' words to say.... but to Captain's heart’s delight, a rescue boat came into sight, and soon enough he was back On the Brink to finish up “the business” he set out to do. WHEW!
Captain's cranky ‘bout his Brinky, the stinky, dinky Brinky what else could go wrong?!?… And it wouldn’t be so bad, if Copenhagen he had (“What the hell, Mel!”?!)… can someone please find his Tramadol!?!
This is the story about the Brinky, the stinky, dinky Brinky, it seems like it goes on forever… but if the truth be told, this song will never get old, about the legends of the beloved stinky, dinky Brinky.
Don't get in the Brinky, the stinky, dinky Brinky 'cause if Captain's in a rush, he's like a chicken with its head cut off, as he's blurting out his orders to "Hurry" and "Don't mess with that!!" We rushed to meet with Customs before they closed up shop, and as we motored to shore, the damn engine sputtered and stopped it’s roar... oh, this Brinky, the stinky dinky, Brinky didn't have her gas can in sight... “What the hell, Mel!?!”
So we paddled, paddled, paddled until we reached the dock and we're running against the clock, then Captain nearly fell off the dock, this no longer is a shock.... Ohh, the adventures on the Brinky, the stinky, dinky Brinky are now becoming laughable... Our day ended quite peaceful, as we enjoyed Madame Custom’s nice giggle, filled out our papers and were finally able to get some ice for our margaritas.
And as we close this song, we hope our bad luck will be long gone... Long live, the Brinky, the stinky, dinky, Brinky!!