Adjusting to Life On a Boat
We have now been on board for a little over three weeks. The first week was all about getting organized. We have inventoried all spare parts, cleaned, cleaned some more, and have been moving things from one bin to another as we figure out what is going to work for our family. I'm sure as we leave the dock, things will get moved around again. But for now, we're pretty much settled.
The girls and I have gotten somewhat of a routine down with school. I'm enjoying doing school afloat. It's been much easier. I feel like the pressure is off. I think there’s something about being near the water and on the boat that seems to have slowed life down. Maybe it’s because my chores have been drastically reduced?!?
Instead of deer, we now watch dolphins and “pop-up-down ducks,” as MJ calls them, from the window. We’ve had a few field trips to the beach. I’m there in my jacket and the girls are swimming in a little stream left at low tide. The water is cooold, but they’re kids and somehow something like frosty water doesn’t bother them.
During the transition to boat life, the most challenging things have been remembering no toilet paper in the potties, not wearing five outfits a day, letting the water run, and having to wear a life jacket while playing outside the salon. Other than that, the girls have done great and have adapted without a hitch.